Анастасия Костенко по-настоящему счастлива вопреки слухам о проблемах с мужем
Some time ago, the Network began to actively discuss the possible infidelity of footballer Dmitry Tarasov for his wife Anastasia Kostenko.

Анастасия Костенко по-настоящему счастлива вопреки слухам о проблемах с мужем

The model is all the time denied the rumors about cheating and never stopped believing in the fidelity of her husband. Recently Anastasia has decided to stop any conversations about problems in relationships with her husband, saying that really happy.

Анастасия Костенко по-настоящему счастлива вопреки слухам о проблемах с мужем

“Lucky day, as the previous one… and as all the subsequent ones. P. S. Thank you,” — wrote in his microblog Kostenko.

Recall that the model is very often criticized by users of the Network, but tries not to respond to hateful comments.

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