Recently, the business Ivanka trump, daughter of the odious politician Donald trump, and so not at height. Then she is accused of plagiarism other brands, it becomes aware of the hellish conditions of Chinese seamstresses. Now a hand in the collapse of the brand Ivanka has made her father.
The candidate in US presidents from Republican party from the very beginning of his election campaign was distinguished by his vile statements about ethnic minorities and women, because of what the rating of Donald neuklonno falls down. And recently, several women have accused trump of a sex offender
Social networking is now unfolding a campaign to boycott the clothing and accessories brand Ivanka trump, organized by the social activist and specialist in media marketing Shannon Coulter. She urged women, who, like her, was outraged by the speech of Donald not to buy clothes in stores, which put up a brand Ivanka and thus destroy their family business. Tens of thousands of women have already supported this action.
By the way, Ivanka publicly condemned his father for the words that denigrate women. She called them “degrading and abusive” but it was not enough to curtail the action of angry women.