Two months after the birth, the singer will return to work. The actress decided to spend the first weeks of baby’s life of Raphael in Sunny Israel, where the climate will benefit his health. But very soon the family will go to Moscow for this purpose already prepared all the documents.
After 10 August, 33-year-old singer became a mother for the third time in the elite Israeli clinic “ihilov” came to light, her son Rafael, – Alsu literally disappeared. Celebrity has ceased to publish photos in social networks, many weeks do not fall into the lens of the paparazzi or bystanders, never came out, not to mention concerts. Fans of the actress raised the alarm.
“Alsu decided to spend some time after the baby is born in Israel, – has shared with “StarHit” surrounded by stars. Is there a more mild climate than in Russia, which will definitely benefit the mother and the son, and the older girls – 10-year-old Safin and 8-year-old Michelle. They returned to Moscow in the early – to begin classes at a private international school. The singer was basking in the sun on the beach and walked a lot together with her husband Ian. They rented a spacious house near the coast. Alsou almost restored shape, eats right. Recently, she also finished the design of the first passport for a two-month old son is a document essential to the kid for the flight home.”
This week the singer, along with 2-month-old Raphael comes back to Moscow. Almost immediately, she plans to go to and from maternity leave. “Alsu confirmed its participation in the creative evening of the poet Konstantin Arseneva, commented “StarHit” Director, artist Sergey Fadeev. – October 16, she first after the birth of the child appears on the stage of the Kremlin, where he will perform several songs of this author.”
Most recently, Lil Wayne has placed in his microblog photo taken for the first time in a long time. On it, the actress appeared without make-up, absolutely radiant and happy.
“Welcome to a little sleepy, a little tired, a little missing Alsu. So literally flew by these past few weeks out of social networks. As one day! And what I want to say. First, I’m incredibly pleased that I waited and missed me. Thanks for all the warm words you wrote to me. Sorry I ignored you at this time. Second, I didn’t go anywhere and was just being a mom one hundred percent, which, incidentally, warned. And third, you know, sometimes, still, very nice to take a little vacation from social networking,” wrote the artist, put up a selfie.