Алсу призналась, не хотела бы вернуться на «Евровидение» за победой

Dima Bilan twice participated in the song contest “Eurovision” and only the second time he managed to win. Want to Bilan to achieve his goal at the time was envy. The other contestant representing once Russia, admitted that second time on “the Eurovision” just never would have survived.

“On “Eurovision” worried is not the word as. I had no experience. Besides, I was a kid. When he went there, I had just turned 16 years old. Never played at such big competitions. I was a very shy child. So terribly worried and worried. All this was seen and heard, unfortunately, during my speech. But, nevertheless, I did. Although I now remember and understand what I was doing all wrong! I never suggested that it is necessary and what is not!” – admitted the singer.

Alsu noted that now, even if she had the opportunity to go for the competition, she would hardly have done this, for the simple reason that over the years she has changed priorities. Now on the first place for artist of the family and children: “I Have everything correctly placed. In the first place – family, and everything else I do when I have time. When the kids at school, I can go about their business: to record a new song in the Studio, for example.”

Recall that this year Russia is represented by Sergey Lazarev. Bookmakers are already predicting that the singer will definitely be in the top ten and the card will fall.


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