У Аллы Довлатовой после болезни появились проблемы с волосами
Radio host fighting for the beauty of their hair.

Alla Dovlatov

Photo: @alla_dovlatova Instagram

In late summer, Alla Dovlatova had a pneumonia. Radio a total of about two weeks spent at the hospital. First the star tried to put myself in the feet with the help of folk remedies, however,as the deterioration of Dovlatov realized the need to connect to the treatment antibiotics. The disease she overcame, but the medication has affected not the best way on the condition of her body.

Alla honestly, after a 17-day course of antibiotics she started to lose her hair. To restore a thick head of hair, Dovlatov enrolled in the course of procedures for the treatment of tresses. “This is a multi-stage processing-treatment with several effective serums and balms, working at the level of the nanostructure of the hair. This treatment strengthens the hair, the ends do not break off and can be quickly grow hair. Maize promises that hair loss stop after 3-5 treatments and there is intense hair growth. Procedure is done every two weeks, then after 2 months I should see results and, of course, to tell it to You! I certainly hope so!” — says Alla.

By the way, Dovlatov is struggling with his problem not only with the help of salon procedures. She also started receiving dietary Supplements with probiotics, which according to experts, should help radiosonde to struggle to recover after the shock of a course of antibiotics.