Алику Смехову поздравили любимые мужчины
The eldest son of the actress prepared for her big surprise.

Alika Smekhova


Anniversary at Aliki Laughter will happen only at the end of the month, but your first gifts from the eldest son Artem and his father, the actor Veniamin Smekhov, she has already received.

“I was born in Day of theatre, so they decided to give me a creative surprises — shared the actress. — The father has prepared for me song for the unknown memories Ranevskaya, and I even recorded a CD. And the son made a video and recorded a rap song, which will be performed on my anniversary concert in the CDL”.

By the way, the eldest son of the actress grew up well-rounded young men, and last year immensely pleased his mother, graduating from school with honors. “Personally, the Director of our school is dear Galina Vladimirovna — Artem solemnly handed a gold medal and a certificate — shared the actress. — I am grateful to my son that for 11 years not had a single problem and no tutor! To finish school to straight a’s — great result!”