Алиана Гобозова получила оригинальный подарок от мужа The former participant “Houses-2” has shown great ingenuity. A present created in the apartment Aliani and Alexander Sobotovich a fabulous atmosphere. It is possible that the gift will be admired by future grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the couple.

      Aliana and Alexander Gobozov for more than a year building relationships outside of the reality show “Dom-2”, which began their love story. And they do it quite well. Spouses run a joint business, raise a son Robert, who in may was two years old.

      The family is in agreement, and Sasha tries to please her husband and makes a gorgeous gift for no reason. And things to his wife he gives is not trivial, but with a big invention. Recently, for example, Alexander was pleased Aliano, demonstrating his ingenuity. Gobozov ordered the artists wife portrait in full growth. On the canvas the former participant “Houses-2” imprinted in the image of a beautiful Greek diva reclining on a gorgeous red bed, with a glass of wine in one hand and bunch of grapes in the other.

      The picture has already graced one of the rooms in the apartment Sobotovych. And according to the author of the idea of Alexander Gobozova, the work of contemporary artists in their homes creates a unique fairy-tale atmosphere.

      “I decided to give his picture, because this is something for the ages, and something you can enjoy forever. When I did, I was very worried for the way in which she fulfilled, as I, unfortunately, God gave the talent of the artist. I remembered friends who paint pictures, and went to him. After I took the picture, the emotions overwhelmed me. Aliana was thrilled,” – said about the gift of Alexander Gobozov.

      It is possible that the picture Aliani and resourcefulness Alexander will admire their future grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

      It is worth Recalling that the path to finding happiness the couple former members of “House-2” was very thorny. While Aliana and Sasha lived on the site of the project, they always found a reason to quarrel. It came even before the divorce. Gobozov officially divorced in April 2015. However, already in summer, when they both left the project, their relationship became warmer. Aliana and Sasha were vacationing in the Dominican Republic, where he took the decision to once again become husband and wife. Aliana and Alexander Gobozov married

      Second wedding of the ex-participants “House-2” was held in January of this year. Aliana Gobozov admitted that the first time married Alexander Gobozova unconsciously. Re the decision to start a family, according to Aliani, they were both taken with a cool head.

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