Алексей Макаров купил трехкомнатную квартиру Soon the actor will celebrate housewarming. About the joyous event in the life of an artist told by his grandmother Olga Panteleevna. The woman looks forward to when he can see his grandson and his charming daughter.

      Алексей Макаров купил трехкомнатную квартиру

      The actor purchased the apartment of about 100 sq meters near the center of Moscow. Good news with the “Stricom” said the grandmother of Alexei, Olga Polishchuk, who lives in Omsk.

      “Last year Alex three times visited me, – told “StarHit” Olga Panteleevna. – And in this I will go to him for a housewarming closer to the summer. Want to see how to furnish an apartment. Happy for his grandson, after many years he lived in the apartment, which he inherited from his mother. Now will that daughter Varechka to leave, she is already six years old. Soon all will see. However, health leads, still turns 88 years old in October. Alex always says, “Baba, you have to live as long as I live.” That obey him.”

      Grandma Makarov aching feet. According to Olga Polishchuk, courting her a one-woman social services center: buying groceries, cleaning house. Her services she pays out pension money.

      “Grandchildren, if necessary, help – continues Polishchuk. – Nothing to complain about. Now offer to do surgery on his eyes – there is a suspicion of cataract. But I’m afraid it’ll go blind then. And then the leg zanoet, the hand – sores bulk. Cut five times, gallbladder removed, kidney is also. But I’m like a cat – live. Entertain yourself with TV, Malakhov always look and serials”.

      We will remind, recently Alexey Makarov was a member of the litigation on the property question. The thing is, that after the death of the second artist’s grandmother, Vera Ivanovna, who had a mother to his father, Omsk the apartment of an elderly woman walked to a neighbor. Alexey Makarov and his sister Helen were strongly disagree with a written will, and therefore challenged its authenticity in court.

      The artist and his cousin claimed square footage, and spared neither time nor effort to prove that they are the grandmother wanted to leave the accommodation. This fact was also confirmed by a friend of the family explained that the deceased Vera Ivanovna dreamed of that beloved grandsons born from different marriages of her son, talked and were friends. By a court decision the apartment in which lived the grandmother Makarov, went to the neighbor.

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