Алексей Чумаков готовит к выпуску вторую книгу

Fans of Alexey Chumakov love him not only as a talented performer, but also as a writer.

On account of the artist so far, only one published book, but soon this will change, as Alex prepares to publish a new mystical fiction novel.

Алексей Чумаков готовит к выпуску вторую книгу

The announcement Chumakov made in Instagram, where he posted the cover of the book under the name “47”.

“God willing, very soon…:)You will find something very interesting. I admit,even when I was writing the book(usually at night),there were moments that scared and put it off.:)…It was a very difficult job…But I’m sure nobody will notice it, because the story turned out. I’m happy with. Now it’s up to you, dear viewers, listeners, readers.:) What do you think, what the book is about..? And what’s behind that door..?” intrigued fans of the singer.

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