Russian film presented at the Cannes film “Mata Hari.”
Alexei Guskov and Vaina Giocante
Photo: courtesy of the organizers of the event
Christophe Lambert, Vina Giocante and Alexei Guskov
Photo: courtesy of the organizers of the event
Alexei Guskov together with Christophe Lambert, Vinoy Giocante and other stars from different countries was in Cannes party of the world gala premiere of the project “Mata Hari” (English 12-the serial film is about an unusually colorful life of the legendary dancer-spy). The members of the crew according to tradition, climbed the famous stairs
The Palace Festival, and then presented to the audience (hall 2,300 seats, which is
awarded gold palm news, this evening was crowded). The show took place in Cannes in the framework of international TV market MIPCOM. And
for the first time in the history of this largest international market it was preceded by
project from Russia.
“Our film is not just a detective, and a great story.
women, so many have committed in this life, — said Andrei after the premiere. — I play a historical character
Georges Ledoux. My hero spent a large part of his life to prove
the guilt of Mata Hari…” the Show took off Star for the First Media channel.