Александр Серов доказал свою правоту в скандале с внебрачной дочерью The musician for the first time in many years saw the supposed heiress. Christine came in contact with him. Serov himself and did not remember the ex-mistress Hope tiller, although she continued to insist that he spent the night with the artist.
Александр Серов доказал свою правоту в скандале с внебрачной дочерью

In the second part of transmission “is actually” dedicated to the personal life of Alexander Serova, the artist found all relations with the alleged mistress Hope tiller. The woman insists that her daughter Christine was born of the musician.

Was present in the Studio continued to analyze the situation: who is the girl’s father? Hope argues that he had a relationship with a musician many years ago. According to her, Christine’s daughter it Serova, moreover, was made a DNA test.

Christine got in touch with the Studio from China. In her address she called Serova dad. According to Christine, she was upset with my father, as he reacted negatively to her appearance. The girl even claims that he hates Alexander, but still wants to see.

The musician does not believe the words of Hope and her daughter. He sees no resemblance to Christine. “I was hurt and downcast, so they have every right to do what is necessary”, – said sharply Serov, answering the question on financial support for girls.

“Let’s all peacefully decide” insisted Christine via video links.
Александр Серов доказал свою правоту в скандале с внебрачной дочерью

Serov admits that the tiller could fake a DNA test. Experts in the Studio, watching the lie detector, admitted this answer is correct. In addition, Alexander says that does not remember an intimate relationship with Hope. Judging by indications of the detector, the musician told the truth that caused widespread surprise in the Studio.

In 1990, the tiller went to live with her daughter in Germany. At the age of five years, Christine was a DNA test. Then it turned out that the man for whom Hope was married was not the father of the child. Tiller insists that Serov personally met Christine. She first approached him with this demand, when the child was 7 years old.

“I want my daughter met her father,” said Hope.

Tiller also checked on the lie detector. She argues that in addition to Serov she had no men in the period of marriage. However, this answer was incorrect.

Besides an affirmative statement about tiller about whether Kristin wants to communicate with his father, was recognized as false. Experts believe that the Hope itself brings the child to tears and specifically puts her in the program.

Tiller demands money from Serov. Host of experts expressed the opinion that a woman was ruled by only greed, when she betrayed the whole story.

“I am totally against when a bargaining chip in this case are children,” said Shepelev.