Александр Радулов с женой разрушили брак из-за ревности
Yesterday, July 5, the birthday was celebrated, the famous hockey player Alexander Radulov, he said 31 years.

Александр Радулов с женой разрушили брак из-за ревности

A month ago everyone was shocked by the news about the divorce of the athlete with his wife, gymnast Daria Dmitrieva. Star numerologist Clara Kuzenbaeva believes that all because of jealousy.

Александр Радулов с женой разрушили брак из-за ревности

“It is unfortunate that he and Daria broke up, because she was Alexander’s donor gave him energy, thus saving from mood swings. The couple’s problem was the lack in their life codes fours, which often forced them to swear. Impatient and jealous, they are constantly terrorized each other and eventually came to the conclusion that it is impossible to live,” says the numerologist.

But let’s hope that Alexander is still ahead, and we congratulate him on his birthday!

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