Александр Панкратов-Черный помог коллеге избежать тюрьмы The actor has come up with an original way out of the situation. Many years ago he worked on the painting “Adult son”, his first directorial work. The Director was not quite an honest man, who even broke the law.
Александр Панкратов-Черный помог коллеге избежать тюрьмы

Alexander Pankratov-Black is not only a famous actor but also a Director. For the first time he shot his debut film in 1979 called “an Adult son”. About 14 times he had to rewrite the script, as it did not suit the state. For the project he was then allocated 460000 rubles. Since the film was historical, it needed much more money. As Director on the picture to Pankratov-Black came Simon Kutikov, who was considered a crook.

Then for the shooting was ordered two wagons of the forest. However, at some point working on the movie props are gone.

“Someone from the group reported on “Mosfilm” that the forest had disappeared and had come to the Commission to investigate the situation. In my scenario, this scenery (two cars) forests have been burned in the last day.

And the Director asks me: “Burn the decorations tomorrow.” “Why?” – “The day after tomorrow for ourselves. I’m going to jail”… And the next day I call the shot… And I instead logs only sticks… We barely begged four cameras to shoot the scene: sticks breaks out, burning – one camera did not have time to shoot… All shot with extras… Comes the Commission, studying the ashes and is indignant: “Two cars of the forest we do not see”. I say: “when in doubt, look at the material.” They looked, we shot a full three-dimensional fire. In General, saved the Director from prison. After this film I started to turn gray”, – said Alexander in his memoirs.

In the biography of the actor met and many other controversial situations. For example, Pankratov-Cherny had in common with Nikita Mikhalkov than repeatedly used.

“After starring in “Sibiriada” to me, it would seem, had come success: I began to laugh, and Andron Konchalovsky praised me in front of all your friends with the filmmakers. There were occasions when we walked down the halls of “Mosfilm”, I passed by someone, e.g. the Director or the camera – and he said, “So, Bratko, listen to me carefully…” And eventually even established first opinion that I allegedly the illegitimate son of Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov, the more that Nikita was very similar,” wrote the actor.