Александр Олешко в 40 лет заговорит голосом австралийской коалы
On the eve of the anniversary, the actor spoke about his attitude to superstition.

Alexander Oleshko

Photo: Yury Feklistov

On the eve of round date, which is not usually celebrated Alexander
Oleshko admitted that he is not a superstitious person. “I’m a believer, so I won’t
miss 40th anniversary as a holiday. I know that many fear this date. I
there is nothing to fear! I live in gratitude for every day given to me. I came to
this date an honest hard worker and a man with a clear conscience. I love life!
I love my job. I love people! And I love your birthday!”

To the anniversary date, the actor came up with great creative Luggage
and many prestigious awards in the field of culture, art and
charity. And immediately after the birth will be another premiere
with the participation Oleshko. Next week, July 28, in hire leaves a cartoon film “the Incredible Blinky bill”. Alexander voiced the main character is a mischievous, a Koala bear who goes to rescue his father, who went to look for a sea of White Dragon and lost. With his best friends — kangaroos, platypus and marsupials
mouse — he will have to overcome a million dangers in the jungle.

“Blinky bill — almost a national hero in Australia, told
Alexander Oleshko. I know that there it is written about him many books,
parents read them to their children. Consider it Pinocchio or
Cheburashka. In General, one of the main characters in the world Australian
childhood. Now he will travel on Russian screens in connection with
I had the opportunity to give him his voice. This is a very good, very
quality, creative, moral, amazing story.”

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