Александра Гозиас публично оскорбила Ольгу Бузову
Ex-participant reality show “House-2” Alexander Goias is now trying his hand in the music industry.

Александра Гозиас публично оскорбила Ольгу Бузову

This month, Alexander will present a new song with another singer Alena Valencia. Ex-member said that it did not accept Olga Buzova nothing else, as a member of “House-2”, and believes that she has no future.

Александра Гозиас публично оскорбила Ольгу Бузову

“I’m an open person. For me Olga, how was a member of telestroke, so it remained. The same worker “the House-2” as I am. I don’t listen to her music, I prefer to Alla Borisovna Pugacheva, Nikolay Noskov, their songs have meaning, experiences. And Oli what – “Little half”? But whatever it is, I respect her for how she was after the divorce took himself in hand and “tripping,” said Alexander.

Gosias sure hit with Alena will be even more popular than the songs Buzova.

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