In the mansion of the actor, situated in the suburban village, entered the unknown. The incident was reported by the neighbors of Alexander Domogarova, in which the burglar also carried valuables. The police are investigating the incident.
The mansion of Alexander Domogarova, located in SNT “the Green hill” Istra district, entered the thieves. The attackers used a master key to enter the house of a famous actor. About the incident police said the neighbors are movie stars, whose house has also attracted the attention of thieves. To the inhabitants of the village of the thieves entered through the destroyed window.
According to the police, who examined the crime scene, from a country cottage Domogarova stole gold jewelry and a few pairs of expensive watches. Investigators called Domogarova to the scene. The actor explained to the police that one of his friends and family could be the keys to the mansion. At the moment law enforcement authorities are checking on the incident and establish the details. Domogarov not yet reported the incident to anyone of friends and acquaintances in social networks.
According to realtors who sell land in SNT “the Green hill”, every street has security cameras. The perimeter of the entire village is surrounded by high solid fence, and the entrance to the grounds is through the gate. Employees of the chop clock guard country cottages. The cost of houses in the partnership starts from 5 million rubles. Since area is always under surveillance, the robbery of the house of Alexander Domogarova could be committed by someone he knew. The police reported that signs of forced entry into the mansion of the actor is not detected.
As previously reported by the media, Domogarova have an apartment in the center of Moscow, and property abroad. Two years ago, the actor bought two houses in Bulgaria near the ski resort of Bansko. The area of both buildings is 250 square meters. According to the actor, he decided not to join the house to the fireplace room and the bedroom does not border with each other. And the living room and rest room for friends are in different houses. As admitted Domogarov, he thought of everything to people who come there to be comfortable.