Александр Демидов стал участником серьезного ДТП
Recently Alexander Demidov, a member of the collective “Quartet”, was injured in the crash.

Александр Демидов стал участником серьезного ДТП

The accident happened in the suburbs, according to jeep, Alexander jumped into the oncoming lane and collided with “Gazelle”.

In the end the average severity of the injuries to the two participants of the accident, the Alexander defended the airbag deployed in the car.

“Still alive,” said Demidov in the microblog.

In the Network published a message with the details of the accident by one user.

“In the rear mirror I see how my lane pretty quickly approaching a white jeep. Assess the situation and realize that to beat me he will not work, as I quickly catch the car in the left lane from me. Thought and switched on his thoughts. A second later, you hear a sharp blow, throwing me to the right, a white jeep out into the sunset. In General, it is quite ordinary situation. Spitting after the jeep stops at the emergency gang, download a recording from Regina, cause GAI. After 2 hours, comes outfit. I gave them the circumstances of the incident, said the number of car, its make and model,” says the user.

Now there is a check of the circumstances of the accident and identification of perpetrators.

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