The singer and designer has shared on Twitter a selfie in a slinky dress. The published artist, have provoked discussions about her possible pregnancy. Fans of celebrity began to congratulate her with a happy event.
Recently 28-year-old singer Alex was intrigued by his fans. The girl published a photo in tight white dress, accentuating her rounded belly. Subscribers actress remained at a loss and suggested that the celebrity is in the early stages of pregnancy. Alex herself has not commented on the speculation of fans and has only replied to compliments about her stylish image.
“You in position?”, “Recently became a mother myself, my sincere congratulations”, “Happy for your future happiness” – shared the opinion of the followers of Alexa.
Interestingly, a couple of months ago, the star published a mysterious picture with a newborn baby. “Here it is happiness” – these words it was signed Alex. Many followers girls couldn’t believe their eyes. At first many of them thought it was the child of a celebrity. Later, however, fans Alex came to the conclusion that to congratulate her with a happy event was premature, because the girl did not give the slightest reason to suspect her in an interesting position.
Alex about the baby: “Here it is happiness!”
By the way, a couple of years ago, the artist has also provoked discussions about the pregnancy. Then Alex posted the photos, which was clearly visible in her belly. In addition, the artist shared pictures of children’s things about her sister. However, after some time, rumors of a possible interesting situation of girls was not confirmed.
Recall that Alex is Dating a young man named Arthur. With him, the artist visited the recent show of the new collection of a Russian designer during the fashion Week in Moscow. The happy couple posed for photographers.
Before Alex brought out his chosen one, her fans could see Arthur soon in the microblog. The girl published several joint pictures with her boyfriend. “This is happiness – to realize that there is such an incredible person in my life that never ceases to please me, surprise, proud, smile, be real,” enthusiastically commented the star.