Alex Simons: «Человек живёт - пока живёт его музыка»
Popular by Alex Simons told about the plans for the future, touched on the themes of the European show business, R&B, friendship and of course love.

Alex Simons: «Человек живёт - пока живёт его музыка»

Popular by Alex Simons told about the plans for the future, touched on the themes of the European show business, R&B, friendship and of course love.

Alex Simons: «Человек живёт - пока живёт его музыка»

You can compare our lives with a book full of chapters, and often they do not like each other and are separate stories. Sometimes one Chapter flows smoothly into the next. It happened in the life of Alex Simons. Ending one Chapter of his career, he reveals the following, more sincere and sensual.

Live and learn. I think it’s about You. School Studio of the Moscow art theatre, the British School, the Anglo – American school in Moscow, akterskiy course of the Academy Doors To Hollywood, a course of General psychology at the University of Amsterdam – Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Are you planning something else to learn?

As the saying goes, live and learn, so I think I will always strive to learn something new. Take, for example, voice, it is also necessary to continuously develop, to clean, for him to look after. Every day the world is changing, and new tactics. Therefore, it is necessary to always strive for advancement.

Why he decided to connect his life with music?

As a child, I do not have good voice, therefore, believed that the vocal is not mine. Moreover, my swords were always acting career. For example, shooting in some Hollywood movie with the famous Leonardo DiCaprio.

But my voice grew and grew, and became deeper, bright. So, at 18 I noticed that can sing, and I realized that I want to be creative in this direction. I started singing when still living in Holland. And then, having arrived to Moscow, has decided not to return as I loved Russia. The more I realized that in Russia is not enough quality R&B and I think you need to develop it, adding a little American touch.

European show business is something different from ours?

Yes, in the Netherlands structure of the American show-business in Russia all on-to another. There is a certain algorithm, there are tactics and people know how to make a track shot. But … And the difficulty of the Russian show business that there are a lot of artists. I like the fact that the Russian people are fond of music, he listens to her more than in the Netherlands. Most importantly, it was easy and it was possible to sing karaoke.

In such a competition the Russian performers?

You have to believe in yourself. I think competitors do not exist. Only people that can your path to slow down. Because if a person realizes that there is competition – first and foremost, he feels weakness and fear. No need to succumb to weakness, you have to believe in yourself and you will succeed!

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