Алена Бабенко оказалась на грани разрыва с Эдуардом Субочем
The actress spoke about the serious conflict.

Alena Babenko and Eduard Suboch

Photo: freeze-frame of the program “While all houses”

Alena Babenko with her husband Edward Subchem this year marks the fifth anniversary of their wedding day. The couple is happily married, support each other in all endeavors and are one of the model couples of the Russian show-business. However, as it turned out, it was not always…

Babenko with her husband were the main heroes of the program “While all houses”. In conversation with Timur Kazakovym the actress has immersed in memories of how you began her affair with Edward. The development of relations with Babenko Subchem can not be called rapid. Future husband of the actress for three years, took care of Alena and waited for the right moment to make her an offer of marriage.

But on the eve of the engagement with Edward, they had a serious quarrel and they were on the verge of breaking. The actress admitted that she was very difficult to force yourself to take the first step towards reconciliation. However, fortunately, the pair was able to overcome a small crisis and immediately thereafter, Alain received from Edward’s offer to become his wife.

Meanwhile, Babenko admitted that nearly wrecked his own wedding. The day that was to be remembered as the happiest, the result is left in memory is definitely not the best memories. “On the road to the registry office I lost my phone, glasses and tooth. I said, “This is a momentous thing! We should not be together!” — said Alain. However, now Babenko, who, by the way, this year has already become a grandmother, is already looking at this situation with humor and does not doubt in his choice.