Famous singer parted with her husband after more than 20 years of marriage. Alena Apinoj difficult to talk about divorce, she’s hard to find words on this subject. Star worries about what will perceive the situation daughter.
In the press appeared information about the fact that the marriage of Alena’s Epinoy collapsed. The singer loved by the people the hits was married to producer Alexander Iratov for many years. Together the pair passed the fire, water and copper pipes. In 2001, the couple became parents. In December their daughter Xenia will celebrate its 15th anniversary. So the news about the divorce of the singer and producer has performed for fans of Epinoy like thunder from a clear sky.
It is worth noting that Alena was absolutely not ready to discuss this sensitive issue. Apparently, the singer is now hard to find the right words. Maybe later Apina clarify the situation and describe in detail what happened in her family. Now the star asks to respect her privacy. In the first place because of my daughter, which can be painful to perceive any inadvertently say the phrase.
“I don’t want to give reviews because I’m afraid that it will affect the child,’ said Apina “StarHit”. – I have been calling all morning.”
For more than 20 years of marriage, the singer and producer experienced a lot. In an interview with reporters Alain has admitted that it does not have its own prescription for family happiness. “I think it’s a mistake of some kind, we been together so long. When we met, I could not think that this was something serious. Apparently, no wonder our ancestors said that marriages are made in heaven,” she said.
Apina not hide the fact that her husband’s relations were not of sentimentality. On the contrary, between her and Alexander there was even a kind of rivalry. They both came to the serious decision of any matter and not flaunted family happiness.
I wonder what Alain would beloved to forgive even treason. This she said in an interview. “I can’t imagine that the husband came and said, “I cheated on you, honey. Kill me!” Life happens, but the mere fact that the husband has not given me the slightest reason to think about the possible infidelity, well worth it. From the fear or maybe it really was nothing to dig into this is not necessary,” admitted Apina.