Альбина Джанабаева без макияжа восхитила поклонников
Popular singer Albina dzhanabaeva has a luxurious appearance.

Альбина Джанабаева без макияжа восхитила поклонников

The singer devotes a lot of time sport training, which can boast of a slender figure. Albina recently posted a video from the gym, and in the frame the artist appear without a gram of cosmetics.

Альбина Джанабаева без макияжа восхитила поклонников

“Admiring”, “Well, now everything is clear!! Why are You in such great shape!! Here it is labor!”, “How clever you are!!”, “Always looking at you I get the itch and desire to work and move forward, thank you!” “Albina Bravo”, “Great!” – admired fans of the stars.

Recall that Albina has two sons from her husband, singer Valery Meladze.

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