Альбина Джанабаева поведала о том, что же ей пришлось пережить с Валерием Меладзе
The popular singers Valery Meladze and Albina dzhanabaeva older two children, 14-year-old Konstantin and 3-year-old Luke.

Альбина Джанабаева поведала о том, что же ей пришлось пережить с Валерием Меладзе

After it became known on the novel of the performers, Albina barrage of criticism, many accused her that she ruined the family Valeria. According to Dzhanabaeva, at first it was difficult, but gradually she learned not to react to criticism.

Альбина Джанабаева поведала о том, что же ей пришлось пережить с Валерием Меладзе

“Hide and not to advertise their relationship are two different things. In our Valera stories were different periods, but we went through it. And now I can say openly that happy. A lot has happened inside me, I calmed down and lifted part of his life. I am pleased to get feedback from followers on Instagram. I led quite a private life and still believe, that did not remove the barrier completely,” – said the actress.

Albina prefers to hide their children from the increased attention of the public, why not publish pictures in which you can see their faces.

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