Альберт Филозов: тайна последней любви актера Albert Filozov was older than his wife of 20 years. According to some information, the colleagues of the actor disliked Natalia Stotsky. Say, and not caring for her family in full measure, and forces her husband to pick up the kids from school. But, no matter what, an artist to the end of his days was in love with her.

      Альберт Филозов: тайна последней любви актера

      April 11, died people’s artist albert Filozov. On account of the legendary actor — participation in more than 100 films and dozens of plays. We all remember his roles in such films as “You can not dream”, “an Ideal husband”, “Who if not we” “Mary Poppins, goodbye”, “Man from Boulevard des Capucines”, “Tehran-43”.

      The cause of death was Filozova Oncology, two days before the death of actor he was discharged from the hospital. According to colleagues of the actor, in his last days, he literally faded away, but never stopped working. Filozov continued, as if nothing had happened, to deal with students fighting positions and RATI, and also play in the performances of the Moscow theatre “School of modern play”, where he worked for thirty years.

      Filozova buried at Vagankovsky cemetery, on the so-called actor’s alley. Where is the final resting place found Alexander Abdulov, Leonid Filatov, Mikhail Pugovkin, Vitaly Solomin and other legends of the screen. The actor left behind his family — wife Natalia Stotsky, and three children — Andrew, Anastasia and Anna. In all my life Filozov was married three times, his son was born in the second marriage, in 1968, and the charming daughter of the third marriage of the actor, in 1994 and 1998

      Альберт Филозов: тайна последней любви актера

      When dying Filozova was discharged from the hospital, his wife refused to take the wife home. They say she told them she couldn’t bear it. Elena Sanayeva, Rolan Bykov’s widow and girlfriend Filozova, announced this version in Other words, will not be able to care for her husband and take care of it — washing, give medication, bring in the ship. Instead of Natalia, these tasks took on the previous family of the actor. His last days Filozov was in the house of his former wife Ali. In the next room were his son Andrew, essayist and writer, with a nurse. Second wife was forced to move to her friend to release the second room, in which was placed the artist.

      Close Filozova were deeply shocked that Natalia Stotsky turned on her husband in the last days. According to journalists, the woman at this point made out of paper at the actor’s house in the Larks. Despite such a controversial act, Filozov has signed all the necessary papers, so that his estate came into the possession of his wife. Apparently, the actor is very much loved his family and children.

      “They had a very good relationship. He loved his daughters, loved his second wife. For her sake he left a very decent woman. Did everything for his family,” says a friend of the actor, honored artist of the RSFSR Yelena Sanayeva.
      Альберт Филозов: тайна последней любви актера

      The actor admitted that the secret of family happiness — in the life experience.

      “When there is an age difference of 20 years, as we have with Natasha, and then there is me must more be wise. Alas, sometimes this quality is clearly not enough — periodically fall, fortunately, over the years, less and less,” said Filozov in an interview.

      His third wife Natalia Filozov met in 1986 in Kiev. There the actor was invited to the shooting. Natalia was the Deputy Director of the paintings and met the artist at the station. She was late for a meeting. Filozov is pissed about this, but the girl wasn’t embarrassed at all. Equanimity Natalia albert fuse into the soul. After that they started Dating, although they were not free: Filozova had a wife, but Natalia is a friend from Italy. As a result, in Moscow the actor has returned with a new sweetheart. “I’m almost fifty, she was hardly thirty. Gentle, smiling, with radiant eyes. Feelings flared up instantly,” recalls the actor.

      “The house was way, a woman should be wise, sometimes, to cheat her husband — not in a sexual sense, but in life: to tell him compliments, be forgiving, something to give and thus, in a roundabout way as if to emphasize its importance, to achieve what she needs,” thought albert Filozov.

      The share of loved ones has had a lot of challenges. According to the memoirs of the actor, they had a lot together to survive, to overcome difficulties and much to rethink. Signed with Natalia Filozov not immediately: he hesitated for several years before finally decided to formalize their relationship.

      At first, Natalia albert lived modestly, huddling in the Dorm. Housing they appeared only after the second was born the daughter of actor Anna. Spouse Filozova disliked in the theatre. Natalia didn’t got a job, preferring to stay at home. “I believe family woman, if she doesn’t have any special talents, motivating her to work, not necessarily to go to work. It has always been opened”, — expressed his point of view, the actor in an interview. However, despite this, she did not so much care of her husband and children as they could. Colleagues of the actor said that sometimes the rehearsals in the theater had to endure due to family Affairs Filozova. He took the daughters to school, went to the store. All this, according to people close to the actor, could do and Natalya. But she seems to feel a small child.

      “I often tell Alik about his feelings. Sometimes stick to the question: “do you love me?” He gets annoyed, but always responds: “Well I love…” And sometimes feel very tired. Then come to Alik, pressed him: “I’m small, have pity on me…”, — shared with journalists Natalia Stotsky.

      The attitude of others always cared little Filozova. Always calm, self-possessed, confident, the actor tried not to think about what impression his family produces on others. He sought solitude, avoided talking about his personal life. “I’m an introvert, I love solitude. A lifetime limit communication with people. It’s always been… Sometimes silent for two to three days,” admitted Filozov. If he were any problems, he went headlong into work. The artist even said that she wants to die on stage, not in bed.

      “On stage I have more fun than gathering with family and friends. On the stage are saved from all of life’s troubles. Creativity is the highest expression of happiness, I think, is inhuman,” said Filozov.

      At the memorial service in the theater “School of modern play”, which Filozov was faithful to the end of his days, the actor’s wife, a small, very thin woman emotionally said, “I am grateful to everyone in the room. To all present, and especially Iosif Reichelgaus, was with my husband. Albert L. was important that the last days he spent with the theatre of his beloved family. I’m sorry for everything!”.

      The winners have been informed Sobesednik.ru, Bulvar.com.ua, “7Days.ru” and Tele.ru.

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