Алёна Водонаева собрала «звездных» деток на дне рождения сына
TV presenter originally celebrated the sixth anniversary of Bogdan.

Алёна Водонаева собрала «звездных» деток на дне рождения сына

Guests of the birthday Bogdan with animators

Photo: @alenavodonaeva (Instagram Alena Vodonaevoy)

It seems that celebrities have arranged the unspoken competition that one of their children will be the most memorable party. Now in this “race” was joined by Alain Vodonaeva, which organized a special event on the occasion of the sixth anniversary of her son Bohdan.

The children’s matinee gathered a lot of friends happy birthday, among which were seen the daughter of Catherine Volkova — Elizabeth, and son of Masha Tsigal — Arseny. The main theme of the party was the era of the dinosaurs. They were literally everywhere: the animators were dressed in costumes of extinct giants, and around were placed tents for young naturalists, which turned into a little holiday guests. At some point they even managed to feed cookies trained monkey. Judging by the pictures, the children were more than satisfied.

Ekaterina Volkova and Andrey Karpov

Photo: @volkovihome Instagram Ekaterina Volkova

Parents also have access to Laundry facilities . Catherine, for example, enjoy “messing around” with her husband, Andrei Karpov. At some point, while my daughter was busy playing with Bogdan and his team the actress with her husband even allowed myself to get into a huge dinosaur egg that stood as decoration. By the way, Catherine has only recently returned from his vacation in Greece, which left her extremely positive experience.

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