Алёна Водонаева обозвала Ксению Бородину коротконогой и с ямами на лице
Such comments Alena Vodonaevoy appeared in Instagram after watching an exclusive interview with Ksenia Borodina.

Алёна Водонаева обозвала Ксению Бородину коротконогой и с ямами на лице

We will remind, Xenia said many unpleasant words to the former participants of the project “Dom-2”. Vodonaeva “in debt does not remain,” and said Borodina:

“Well, I was told that the army of the short-legged again, someone is against me? Will have to see. I just did not know where to put this review between my business and 5 season of “Game of thrones”, which I finished without stopping and I’m sorry to spend your free time on anyone but Lanosterol, the Starks and the Dragons. But, since you blew me a Direct question “did you see?” will have to find the time.

Understand of course that not to wait for me bombastic speeches and fascinating conversations in the series and need infusions to make quite modest reasoning and superficial said a hoarse, ugly voice, but I’ll try to do it. I will try until the end of this week.

But generally speaking, if you long to sit on a log and not to develop,get stupid and become evil.
And face something starts happening. Pit some ruts Too … anger maybe.
Oh, girls. We must be kind, lovely girl. Well, in short, how to watch the movie about the Queen of Dubrovka, in your telegrams of the channel response write. If it is a little interesting.”

To watch the full interview Ksenia Borodina journalist Alena Damn you just below:

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