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The father of the singer brought a new friend.

Nikolai Agutin with a new lover

His dad Leonid Agutin, unlike his famous son, a very amorous male. Nikolay Petrovich already five times was married, and perhaps soon will again lead his beloved down the aisle for the sixth time. The father of the musician recently brought to light a new beloved.

Nikolai Agutin told that familiar with Alla for a long time, but the pair started Dating not long ago. Leonid to the selection of Pope approached respectfully. He supports his father and even, according to Nikolay Petrovich, a little jealous of him. “She’s smart, shy. Even my son is jealous, says how lucky I am with Alla. She has a lot of talent, skills that make Alla is very interesting to talk to,” shared Nicholas Agutin live shows “You wouldn’t believe.”

Fiancee Agutin-senior significantly younger than himself, but this does not prevent her to build a happy life with the father of the musician. Not long ago she moved to a country house to Nicholas Petrovich. At the wedding, with his words, she insists. Father yesterday said that after numerous setbacks in his personal life, he does not hurry to the registry office, however, does not exclude the possibility of the appearance in the passport, another print.