The actress shared a personal picture with fans.
Agnia Ditkovskite and his brother Dominik
Photo: @Instagram ditkovskyte Agnes Ditkovskite
After leaving Agnes
Ditkovskite and her husband Alexey Chadov fans are closely watching the personal
the life of the actress. The past year has been for Agnes challenging. Though
how to escape from divorce, she plunged into the work. In addition
favorite things, to experience a painful breakup with her husband of Agnes helps her younger brother Dominic. Ditkovskite published a photo with him and made a warm signature. “Here’s who feel
itself… little brother! Dominic, I love you and adore you!” — wrote
the actress in the microblog. Incidentally, it was the brother of Agnes takes a very active part in the education of her son, Theodore. Despite the fact that Dominic just graduated from high school, according to the artist, is controlled by nephew better than any professional nurse. “To me it is very helping and supporting,” says Agnes. — Dominic is my support”.
Aleksey Chadov is also trying to pay son. Recently the actor shared a picture with a joint walk with Fedor, for the first time, you could see the boy’s face. Fans noticed that the son of Agnes and Alexei picked up from parents all the best.
Alexei Chadov