Агибалова о скандале с Африкантовой: «Ей нужно лечиться» The former member “House-2” preparing for the court. The session on the case of slander against Irina Alexandrovna will take place on 6 February. Before the process Tatyana Vladimirovna promised to show how the hearing will go. “StarHit” contacted Agibalova and learned her reaction to the harsh words of the other “moms telestroke”.

      Агибалова о скандале с Африкантовой: «Ей нужно лечиться»

      The first hearing ex-mom home electroni country will take place this Monday, February 6. But to go to the world, apparently, none of them are ready. Tatiana continues to lead the online broadcast with insults and also give interviews, negatively speaking about a former colleague. Irina spoke about the current situation.

      “I think her family should be concerned for the mental health Tatyana Vladimirovna, – shares with “StarHit” Agibalov. – She so bad that she still doesn’t understand the seriousness of the situation and continues to pour dirt. Notice I never insulted her, neither in interview nor in television nor in their social networks”.

      As a believer, Irina Alexandrovna is very hurt, one of the latest online broadcasts, which was led by Afrikantov was the eldest.

      “How can you engage in such Blasphemy? She takes her video right in the Church! There are looking to people, asking where the icon against the meanness and what prayer should read, pray, too, right online. What one of the women she answered: “Start with yourself”.

      Агибалова о скандале с Африкантовой: «Ей нужно лечиться»

      Agibalova confesses that she is not angry at the defendant, and experiencing very different feelings. “Honestly, I do not think that I am kidding or disingenuous, I just feel sorry for her. Absolutely sincerely sorry for this woman. She needs to be treated, this abnormal behavior for a healthy person. Seven-eight hours to wander across Moscow every day, just to gain these viewers.”

      In addition, according to Irina Alexandrovna, the officer who engaged in it already long time can’t get to the family Afrikanovich to the apartment. “What if they don’t open, or sometimes not at home, but after some time the policeman came to the closed door. Will walk again. Mobile Tatiana also takes. Neighbors of them as something very cold respond…”

      Interestingly, Afrikantov not only not afraid of the upcoming trial, but also promises to bring back evidence, which will justify everything said to her.

      “There are no documents, which she says is not and can not be, because all this slander,” says the victim. She says that the channel “TNT” gave her counsel that the chief judge of Moscow’s drinking her tea and shake hands – I think it’s very interesting to listen to the same judge. It is unlikely that a serious woman of the old school will enjoy such damage to its business reputation”.

      Agibalova recognized that the main reason for this behaviour considers envy. “Yeah, that stupid female jealousy. Exactly. Of course, I was the first mother in the “House-2”, and then there was Olga Gobozova, Tatiana and all the rest. But this does not mean that the latter can now pour me and my family through the mud. She thinks I still gave the project a house, a car, a fur coat, appearance. Yes I had it before the show! And generally got me through their own labor, sweat and blood. It was very hard, but I’ve done it myself. She was even compared with his daughter Marina. I said to this girl very good attitude. Says she has 1.3 million subscribers and you have only half a million. About the fact that she has 38 thousand, she was silent. I think for me as for the former, and even age member, “House”, this is a very good number”.

      By the way, that subscribers remember other times when Afrikantov discussed colleagues on the show. Irina about it also heard.

      “She’ll stop at nothing. The project was a young dance teacher Natalya Bican, Tatiana and her last words wings, and not just her. She’s just a little understand what the law. Chuev recently spoke on this topic. Says we both are good, they say, Parisa. Thanks, but I’m a PR is not needed.”

      On the question of whether it is on the pictures with the middle fingers, which recently “Instagram” was posted Tatiana, Agibalov said, “Yeah, it’s me. We were in the bath, I then had a lot on, spread nasty rumors about me and Alexey Samsonov, so I decided to make them react like this. Had the temerity and very yourself scolded for it afterwards. The photo was removed almost immediately, but of course anyone should, it has managed to preserve.”