Agatha Muceniece showed what she looked like in her youth while working as a model Agata Muceniece is now 34 years old.

Agatha Muceniece showed what she looked like in her youth, working as a model She is already accomplished and a popular actress with two children and a divorce behind her.

But while still at school, Agatha wanted to become a model and, by her own admission, “dreamed of closing shows for world brands.” Muceniece was under contract with the Terri modeling agency, but did not reach great heights. She herself is sure that the problem is her height of 172 cm, which is not enough to meet model standards. And although Agatha was not mentioned in the article about her Agency, she still had advertising photo shoots.

Agatha Muceniece showed what she looked like in her youth while working as a model

She starred in an advertisement for a coffee shop at the age of 15-16.

Agatha Muceniece showed what she looked like in her youth, working as a model

And at the age of 17 she decorated a package with tights.

Agatha Muceniece showed what she looked like in her youth, working as a model

Agatha was even interviewed and now, looking at old photos, she is surprised at how skinny she was.

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