После развода Сергей Адоевцев каждый вечер проводит в закрытых клубах
Ex-member of popular reality show “Dom-2” Sergey Odoevtseva liked by the audience of the TV show.

После развода Сергей Адоевцев каждый вечер проводит в закрытых клубах

On the show, he began to meet with the member of the Mary Kruglykhin, and in summer 2010 year of the lovers were married. But the couple eventually broke up due to abuse of alcohol by Sergei. Now a young man leads a dissolute life, every night wasted in private clubs.

После развода Сергей Адоевцев каждый вечер проводит в закрытых клубах

“Sergei appears in the institution regularly. Usually comes one. Externally, our clubs are not very different from the usual. In the wardrobe you need to undress completely, and leave all the gadgets, because the shooting is strictly prohibited. In the main room there are tables, a bar, and sex occur in separate areas. Sergey is always very friendly, likes to take the initiative to chat with visitors. We can say, the soul of our company,” – said one of the visitors of the capital Swinger club.

Recall that the ex-spouses, teenage daughter Elizabeth, who lives with his mum and her new family.

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