Приемная дочь Ирины Понаровской пытается очернить имя певицы
Adopted daughter Irina Ponarovskaya quite often becomes the heroine of a variety talk show, which talks about his difficult childhood.

Приемная дочь Ирины Понаровской пытается очернить имя певицы

The girl accuses the singer that she has thrown in four years. But the Director Ponarovskaya says that Anastasia is a lot of things unsaid.

“Anastasia has no relation to Irina. She just goes on TV and public relations at the expense of Ponarovskaya! – says Lera Covina. – I wish this girl told how Irina took her small and helpless, and cured infections. What sores were not in a child: skin diseases, lice and even, sorry, a sexually transmitted disease. Imagine a little girl! Apparently, from birth she lived in a dysfunctional environment. Irina, very kind person decided to help the child and took the girl to her family.

First she started to steal things from the house and resell them. Then got to the money. The last straw was the behavior of her relation to a son of Irene Anthony. Imagine that you have a 13-year-old son and some girl starts to seduce. The singer witnessed this terrible scene. After this she had to part with Anastasia. What other decision could take Irina, when her eyes seduce son steal. And it’s gratitude for all the good she did for this child. Unfortunately, when people take other people’s children in foster care is like a roulette wheel. Sometimes genes take their toll,” – says the Director of the singer.

Tuwina believes that Anastasia was left without a job, trying to earn money, attending various shows.

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