Аделина Сотникова подверглась нападкам из-за допинг-скандала Italian media claim that the titled athlete can deprive the Olympic gold 2014. In a controversial report by Richard McLaren the girl’s name appears in the list of Russian medalists. Adelina got a score much higher than South Korean figure skater Kim Yu-na, thus taking first place.

      Adelina Sotnikova became the latest victim of the scandal arising from the doping tests. This time the name of the skater and her other colleagues were included in the blacklist of the report of Richard McLaren. As reported by the European media, Sotnikov can deprive a gold medal in Sochi, as its tube was made of mechanical manipulation. One of the Italian editions writes that we are not talking about the positive results of the doping tests, and the score of “first type”, found on the vial of the girl.

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      I have to say that in 2014 after tests, it was concluded that it is clean and no illegal substances are not accepted. It is assumed that this has been achieved after opening the vial and removing unwanted substances. If the guesses of the experts are true, Sotnikova will lose has almost three years the title of Olympic champion. It is interesting that this news appeared in the press only yesterday, but the South Korean sports fans immediately pounced with criticism of Russian sports stars. They are convinced that it was a substitution, so the victory should be rightfully awarded their skater, Kim yuna, in Sochi took only the second place in singles.

      Asian commentators who are attacking her page in Instagram insist that the girl must admit to the crime and give his gold to the Korean. Someone so confident in the results of the conducted research, that asks Adeline to cast aside all principles and tell the public the whole truth. Many Korean netizens accuse Sotnikov in a lie, saying that she was unworthy to carry the title of Olympic champion. People from other countries was echoed by the South Koreans, noting that all Russian athletes implicated in the scandal dopingovogo, so nothing surprising in what happened there.

      Moreover, the commentators even went dispute about the summer Olympic games in Rio, when all the athletes were prevented to participate. Some commentators consider such decision correct, while others strongly argue that in this case, you must prorate all athletes carefully. Many followers Adeline began to protect her from the attacks of foreign subscribers. They tried to convince everyone that the information is not confirmed and the girl does not deserve this treatment.

      Unlike skeptical of Internet users devoted fans Adeline calm her down, saying that despite the incident, she is a talented athlete. There were commentators from France, who stressed that the Russian girl is an example for foreign skaters. Anyway, soon we will know what fate will develop Sotnikova received the gold in Sochi.