Актер Сергей Губанов накануне 1 сентября вспомнил про незадавшуюся школьную линейку
The actor shared a rare archival photos.

Актер Сергей Губанов накануне 1 сентября вспомнил про незадавшуюся школьную линейку

Sergey Gubanov

Photo: Katerina Matusova

Actor Sergey Gubanov on the eve of Day of knowledge remembered how for him, childhood was the First of September: “In the first grade I had a
the real First of September with a solemn line, a bouquet for
teacher, meet classmates. Everything as it should be.

But in
the following year the Assembly was held without me. Then the first day of school was cold, and early
in the morning, it was raining. Mom dressed me in a new form of pressed — out
last year I already grew up, combed, gave up a briefcase and wearing a star
the Octobrist, the pride of the little achiever! And I, all so beautiful
running alone on a line, along the way, his feet slapping on each puddle. To school
it was 500 meters and I had so dirty that when I saw the homeroom teacher Lyubov Petrovna Kabanova, she has changed
face: “Serge, what is it you’re covered in dirt. Run home, get changed, and
back — clean and beautiful!”.

Актер Сергей Губанов накануне 1 сентября вспомнил про незадавшуюся школьную линейку

Sergey Gubanov as a child with his mother, Rimma and her sister, Tanya

Photo: From the personal album Gubanov

Sergey Gubanov in middle school with father Sergei, mother, Rimma and her sister, Tanya

Photo: From the personal album Gubanov

I was upset, and went back
downcast, and when he came home in tears. Now, of course, it’s funny
remember. But when in the 8 years they send you home with a solemn line, to
you’re so prepared for the little boy it is a big trouble. Country
the gladioli that I carried her, broken. Seeing this, the mother
said, “What do you like pig hodish? Everyone walks around puddles, and you directly
scratching”. While I got dressed and came back, the line ended without me
and all the kids and teachers had gone to their offices.”