Отказавшись от макияжа, Илана Юрьева оказалась в эпицентре скандала
The star of “Ural dumplings” responded harshly to the haters.

Ilana St. George

Photo: @ilana7788 Instagram Ilana St George

A few days ago the star of the show “Ural dumplings”
Ilana St. George appeared on one of the social events of the capital. Photo
published in online publications after the party, deprived the actress
rest and sleep for the next two days. Ilan announced that she’s not just thin,
and close to the critical state. Someone even dared to suggest
the comments that the St George’s anorexia.

The reaction of the beauty of “Ural dumplings” is not
have to wait long.

“What are the 10 kg I lost ? How do You all think
? — protested the artist. — No, I certainly understand that people are interested
only the fat (judging by the fact that in the morning I already called 2 talk show, where, naturally, I’m not going). And the press quickly
picked it up, misquote my post two months ago about the extra weight and full
people. About how I lost weight. But that was 4 years ago! Now I’m just what
were, and do not understand what panic is. What kind of spiteful comments about what I
ugly? Well, excuse me, I am what I am. But if we are talking about the same one
photos from fashion Week that I was there without a gram of make, but I love and accept myself in any form. And it does not depend
from cosmetics or from weight and I’m not afraid to go to social events without make-up!”