Ролик о любви Эммы Уотсон и Волан-де-Морта взорвал Сеть

Good imagination and excellent sense of humor are two necessary components to create video that will win hundreds of thousands of users in the Network.

The other day on YouTube published a video, which can not leave anyone indifferent.

The authors of the video have combined two of the project, which was attended by Emma Watson and showed the love between Beautiful Belle (from “beauty and the Beast”) and the flounce-de-mort (the magician, whose name was not called for all the “Harry Potter”).

Judging by the roller, Volan de mort lives in a huge castle, which one is the father of Belle. The magician says, “Bring her to me.” Then the frame is replaced and on the doorstep of the castle there is Belle. Next spoiler we don’t want, because encourage you to watch the development of events. It’s very funny, I assure!