Шаг вперед: как москвички с особенностями в развитии начали все с нуля For a special adult world is often limited by the walls of the apartment. They need help to cope with difficulties. A year ago, three residents of the capital, Julia, Tanya and Cooking – got the chance to lead a normal lifestyle.
Шаг вперед: как москвички с особенностями в развитии начали все с нуля

If you will be visiting Julia, Tani and Vari, they will invite you into the kitchen and prepare delicious dishes. While you talk to them, don’t even believe each of them has a serious mental illness. And girls don’t feel special because I live in an average apartment, not a boarding school. Do go to the grocery store and even work.

A year ago in Moscow launched a project that aims to teach people with disabilities to cope independently. It was initiated by charity Fund “way of Life”, working with adult wards. “Tanya’s parents, Katie and Julia had a conversation about the future of the children, because they are not eternal, says the psychologist Alena Legostaeva. – Believe me, no one wants their son or daughter was in a psychoneurological boarding school, where sometimes contain 700 patients in terms of, to put it mildly, far from perfect.”

Moms and dads of the girls found themselves housing in the Leninsky prospect area on the first floor of the house – Cooking moves only in a wheelchair. The rental paid by the Fund. The apartment is conventional, with a simple repair, but it has everything you need. Five days a week pupils spend there, and on weekend leave home. With Varya, Julia and Tanya engaged a teacher, a psychiatrist and a physiotherapist. “StarHit” learned their way of living.


Шаг вперед: как москвички с особенностями в развитии начали все с нуля

The girl was born in the Moscow large family – she has a sister and three brothers. Cooking a child does not walk and her mental development. Parents for many years raising my daughter, the experience allowed: her mother worked as a teacher in a rehabilitation center and her father was the main carpenter in “the Farm blessed”. This organization has established a Fund that their students could find a job.

“I used to live in the apartment with the family, – has shared with “StarHit” Cooking. – Helping dad in the workshop: applied plank, carried out different requests. Over time, she learned all sorts of Souvenirs to do. When the project came, I was not afraid to part with his family, I knew – this is good, because I’m an adult, and the world may not revolve around me. The neighbors, frankly, got used hard, because before did not know what a friend is. Eventually found a common language. Tanya closer to me, and Julia is more closed, it is more difficult to communicate”.

Vari day starts at 9 am. She washes and brushes her teeth, and WC helps a teacher named Victoria, for convenience, the apartment has two bathrooms. Then Cooking cooking Breakfast. “I can cut sandwiches, continues ward. – Sometimes we all have dinner together. For example, before the 8th of March had a party. Baked two pizzas – vegetable and meat”. With Varya does a physiotherapist. She tries, and the progress is already there: for example, learned unaided to move from the wheelchair to the couch. “I am grateful to the project because it has become more independent, adds the girl. – Home welcome success”.


Шаг вперед: как москвички с особенностями в развитии начали все с нуля

Julia – the only of the trio who works. She is the assistant chef at the Center for curative pedagogics (organization working with children with disabilities. – Approx. “StarHit”). Many years ago she studied in a regular school and even managed to graduate from College, and then… got sick. Parents shuddered when they learned that their daughter suffers from a rare form of mental disorder that is accompanied by anxiety: sometimes Julia can so excited, what gets lost, doesn’t know where she is, who she is.

“Every morning Wake up and going – says Julia. – Be sure to make yourself a mess and after Breakfast half an hour the food on the trolley to an integer linear program. In the evening do different things. I love to listen to music, and even dream to learn to play volleyball. While watching the matches on TV. Use the Internet, there is even a page “Vkontakte”, but they rarely sit down”.

She is always happy to help the girls, for example, the var takes the plates when they served on the table. “I’m not who communicate with the girls but the parents, – continues Julja. – Mom and dad are now calm for my future.”


There is a rare genetic disease syndrome user, it leads to a gradual loss of hearing and vision. This diagnosis ten years ago put Tanya.

“The disease greatly affects many skills, explains educator and curator Victoria Balamutova. – But Tanya is unique, she has a powerful mind, very active, travel a lot exists, became a member of the international forum on usher syndrome. I recently returned from a conference in Israel, decided a week to visit my mother-pensioner. But soon will come back to us. We really miss”.

Tatiana reads a lot and deals with Varya. And Julia taught intellectual to cook: together they make pancakes. Unlike her neighbors, Tanya has many friends, which she finds all over the world. “Tanya empathetic, loyal – continues to Victoria. – I think that our future students will be able largely to follow her example”.

Due to the fact that the pilot project Fund followed by the move was successful, the administration of Moscow has allocated three large apartment rent free for 25 years. “Now there is a repair, – the Director of Fund Ivan Rozhansky. – I hope that this fall in the new apartments will be able to accommodate at least twenty people who will be able to discover the new world.”

To help the charity Fund “Life”, send SMS to short number 3434 with the text “ha” or ZHP and a donation amount (for example, ZHP ZHP 500 or 500). Or go to the website liferoute.org.