Друг Нины Дорошиной рассказал, в каких жутких условиях она жила Familiar star visited her several times. According to Maxim Razuvaev, Nina Doroshina not enjoyed the benefits of civilization, and its housing was contaminated. The actress did not complain, but she really wanted to help.
Друг Нины Дорошиной рассказал, в каких жутких условиях она жила

Nina Doroshina died April 21. The ambulance did not have time to save a famous artist. The star of the film “Love and doves” suffered from heart problems. As later reported, the cause of death was disease of the circulatory system. A friend of Nina Doroshina Maxim Razuvaev recalls that she was living in the best conditions, but did not want to have neither a mobile phone nor a TV.

“I once again said, “Nina, how do you live without TV? You are then one, even though something says”. And she says, “I Have a radio!” Mobile phone was not there. It was the Soviet disc, broken camera. She loved it, told everyone: “Always call me!” This request was not pleading, just a reminder. In our last meeting I said to her, “I Have a small TV, I’ll fetch it for you, and can’t even turn on”. But I don’t have…” – said Maxim.

The last few years Doroshina led quite a solitary life. In 2017 due to the infringement of the nerve endings in the spine Doroshina a long time remained in the hospital. After she left the medical facility, Doroshina re-learned to walk. On the street she almost never walked, and the house could move even without sticks and canes. In everyday life the actress was unpretentious.

“The whole house of Nina Mikhailovna was littered with books, all in utter disarray and chaos. I think she was not suited to even cook myself, but have not experienced this discomfort. And on their illnesses, she just loved to talk, but never complained. She was able to surprise you! Behind the scenes were able to hold onto the heart and then cheerfully jumped on stage, lifted up her legs, threw batmany. Partners forget the text because I didn’t understand how that was possible,” – said Razuvaev.

Nina kept optimistic until the last days of life. The actress preferred not to discuss personal life, although once she had the novel by Oleg Efremov. and he loved to talk about themselves, but if the mention of a “famous person”, added: “I will Not say his name.” But, fascinated by the story, could inadvertently call it. In this context, “He said to me: “Nina, I love you!”, and I answered him: “Oleg, well, everything in life happens…” Many now wonder if she was lonely, thought about death. Nothing she thought”, – said Maxim in an interview with “Interlocutor”.