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Former lawyer of the infamous American singer Kesha mark Geragos continues to earn its name. The lawyer, representing the interests of the performer in her case against producer Dr. Luke (aka Lukasz Gottwald), has stated publicly that Kesha was not the only celebrity that was raped.

In 2015, Lukas began to sue for allegations Geragos made on Twitter Ambassador program The Howard Stern Show in which Lady Gaga said that she was once raped by a famous record producer.
“You know the rapist’s name?” — wrote Geragos on his page in the social network.
“Gottwald” wrote someone from subscribers.
“Bingo!” — instead of a thousand words said the lawyer.
The lawyers of Dr. Luke immediately filed a suit to Geragos, and demanded a refutation, or evidence of the guilt of their client.
The claim documents Gottwald claimed to have never met Lady Gaga in those days, when she was raped, he’s sorry victim from geek artist and that she is obliged to punish the rapist.
Geragos first demanded that the case against him was closed, because he saw this as a lever of pressure on him, the defender kushi. And when you have seen to answer to the court necessary, the lawyer began to insist on psychiatric examination of Dr. Luke. He denies all charges and claims that he is protected by the First amendment.
Recently held a regular hearing in which the judge made the decision to leave for the defendant the right to request a psychological evaluation of the plaintiff and to obtain medical records. The next meeting will be held in July.