Отпуск мечты Николая Баскова

Married men it is better not to look, but obzaviduetes…

Here already almost two years as the heart of the Nikolai Baskov belongs to the beautiful Sophie Kalcheva. And though the couple does not live together, preferring guest a marriage, at all events and on vacation they are usually inseparable.

So fans of the main blonde of the country resigned from Baskov busy a long time. And look, they are about to get married.

But maybe we shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions. Nicholas loves to surprise. No this is a joint staff with Sophie on Instagram singer suddenly appears a photograph of the three female pop! And even almost naked.

Buffet…” reads the caption. In the background is the sea and the parked yachts. So, Nicholas is now somewhere resting. Yes, even as a rest! This rest will be envied by every man! It’s just a dream, not a vacation. Well, the Basques used to live in Grand style… he’s even at home Italian chef prepares food.

But now not about it. On the agenda the question: who is behind these half-naked fifth spots? And if there is a beloved singer Sophie?

The girl in the blog until it was recent photos in a swimsuit on the beach. But there is a touching picture of Nicholas, in which they tenderly embrace. Apparently, to sound the alarm early.

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