ДНК-тест открыл правду о внебрачном сыне Леонида Утесова The man found out who his real father is. After a series of studies man, posing as the son of Leonid Utesov, remained unconvinced. He could not accept the reality.

      ДНК-тест открыл правду о внебрачном сыне Леонида Утесова

      Muscovite Igor Pashinin is not the first year obsessed with the idea that he is the illegitimate son of Leonid Utesov. According to men, a legendary Soviet singer in 70 years had an affair with 24-year-old daughter of his housekeeper. From these relations and allegedly Igor was born. Man really came to light in 1965, when the Cliffs celebrated the anniversary. Other proof of relationship Pashinin with the star was based on his childhood memories. The cousin niece of Leonid Utesov Maya Valiant deliver the biomaterial to conduct a DNA test.

      The result of the study showed that the degree of kinship between her and Igor is equal to 93.7 per cent. In the Studio of the program “live” were announced these figures, what made Pashinin, who even took the surname of the singer, to experience strong emotions. However, the situation was not as simple. Absolute relationship has not been confirmed, besides the well-known lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky that interested in this case, found some interesting details, which Pashinin earlier was silent.

      It turns out that in 2008, he sued his father Anatoly Pashinin. The lawyer read out in the Studio the statement of claim in which it is written that a man tried to force the parent to cancel the paternity, citing the fact that his real dad was Leonid Utesov.

      “Eight years ago, on twelve sheets, was made the deepest examination of blood. The conclusion was following, I read: “the Probability that Pashinin Anatoly, is this the man, whom Igor calls his stepfather really is Igor’s father, is according to the results of this examination 99, 99 in the period,” said Dobrovinsky.

      “You know, I can tell you that the truth still can not hide. I can say about this examination, about which a respected lawyer so in detail told that it was a complete sham. It was after this examination I changed the name, everything became clear,” said Igor Cliffs, who refuses to believe the conclusions of the court.

      In order to put an end to this complicated issue, the editors of the program “live” organized for Igor in-depth DNA test like the one he did in 2008.

      “When I was approached for more in-depth study to understand the situation, – said the expert of the center of the DNA Darya Popova. – I started to find out, in what degree of relationship is Maya Valiant with Leonid Utyosov. We found interesting the fact that she is a great-niece. The fact that her grandfather is the brother of the father of Leonid Utesov. From here we can conclude that the formula for the study of the genetic test was initially taken incorrectly. We checked again on the program that’s just right for second cousin relationship. And the degree of probability of relationship we have turned out different. This is 36,97%. We conducted a second analysis to establish paternity. Alleged father Anatoly Pashinin passed the oral swab. We received a likelihood of paternity of 99.99 percent in the period.”

      Present in the Studio Anatoly Pashinin sincerely glad that the truth was on his side. “We came to we came up. Since we had not seen for eight years, and we love it. And love his wife, and his children love because they are our own grandchildren. And we were very close. What happened, definitely say you cannot,” said the man. Meanwhile, sitting next to him the son of Johri was not able to accept the results of the tests. He remained with his opinion.

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