The artist, who was placed in a sanatorium after a concert in Moscow, finds the strength not to despair and optimistic about the future. Help Zadornov funny videos satirist enjoy watching on the Internet. The satirist asked followers to send him videos, and the best of them, he will be awarded prizes.
Fans continue to worry about the health of 68-year-old Mikhail Zadornov suffering from cancer. Recently, the satirist said on his page on the social networks about how fighting the disease. According to Zadornov, it helps the funny videos that he enjoys watching on the Internet. The man admitted that they not only charged him with vigor, but make optimistic to look at things.
“Friends sent me some funny, funny videos. Looked up and realized that this is a great therapy! The mood rises really forces becomes greater, and in the future view is positive and optimistic!”, – wrote Mikhail Zadornov.
The satirist is so fond of videos, I decided to hold a competition among its fans. Zadornov offered them to send a fun video that they created. The authors of the funniest commercials we receive gifts, said the actor.
“Such provocative online video a lot – send them to me in “Vkontakte”, let’s reference in “YouTube” and “Instagram”. We will hold a contest for the best entry. It is desirable that it was yours, more videos. It will be easier to choose the best and award the winners gifts such as books and CDs,” asked the satirist to the fans.
Recall that in the Metropolitan concert hall “Meridian” recently broke the performance artist. According to some, Zadornov had an attack of epilepsy in the nervous system. After that, Michael was taken to a sanatorium, where he remained until his release on stage. About it journalists were told by the assistant to the satirist.
Cancer patient Michael Zadornov is on inspection in the sanatorium
For the first time about the illness of Mikhail Zadornov became known after his post in “Vkontakte”, where the man explained why his concerts were cancelled. The artist wrote that the doctors discovered he had a serious illness. So Zadornov has banned flights over long distances, and also advised not to push yourself at work. At first Michael did not disclose my diagnosis, but received a lot of comments from fans, talked about this in more detail. “The treatment will be hard and long… In such therapy, like chemistry, you need to save power, not to spill them on different kind of side hustle. There’s some Hvorostovsky done!”, – shared satirist.