Приговор Варваре Карауловой стал трагедией для ее отца The parent of the girl who was sentenced to several years for trying to join a terrorist organization, has shared his impressions with journalists. Pavel Karaulov said that can not accept the punishment of the daughter.

      Приговор Варваре Карауловой стал трагедией для ее отца

      Last week in Moscow announced the verdict of former MSU student Barbara Karaulova. 21-year-old girl was accused of trying to join is banned in Russia organization “Islamic state”. The Moscow regional court found her guilty and sentenced to 4.5 years in a General regime colony.

      Varvara Karaulov leave the colony

      The girl’s father Pavel Karaulov told reporters that the verdict daughter was a complete surprise to him. Recently a man gave an interview in which told about how he felt after the trial over the girl. A man is not going to give up and started a petition for appeal.

      “For me this is the greatest tragedy. What can’t be… Lawyers appealed to the Supreme court… the Predictions in this case is a thankless topic. But I have high confidence that it will all fall apart at the level of the European court of human rights”, – said the man.

      Reporters asked Karaulova, if he repents that made noise when he announced his daughter’s disappearance last spring. Recall that the parent of the girl has initiated a major campaign to search the barbarians. Then Paul was connected to this process, all whom I knew, wrote applications in Prosecutor’s office, interior Ministry and FSB. Post Karaulova for help has received a huge number of reposts in the first two days after publication. About 20 thousand people shared it on their pages in social networks, and the phone men did not cease.

      “I have absolutely no regrets about what I did. I and Cooking — we understand how close she was to hell when I pulled it out. Joy that she is alive, well, she no longer has painful dependence. And the world she’s looking through the eyes of others. If not for the noise in may, the consequences could be more dramatic,” said the father convicted.

      The man also spoke about what is now engaged to his daughter. According to Karaulov, a girl is learning a lot, reading textbooks on Latin and lectures on physics, does not forget about literature. Thanks to the hard work of Barbara managed to learn Yiddish. The man frankly admitted “Medusa”, she was really, really upset by recent events, but the incident made her more Mature and more serious.