Беременная Катя Гордон сцепилась с Мариной Анисиной
The presenter advised the skater to go to a therapist.

Беременная Катя Гордон сцепилась с Мариной Анисиной

Marina Anisina


Katya Gordon

Photo: @Instagram katyagordon Katie Gordon

Kate Gordon has responded to tough criticism from the Marina Anisina those. The fact that the ex-husband of figure skater Nikita Dzhigurda published the correspondence in which the athlete questioned the professional skills of Gordon. In dealing with her husband Marina called Kate, who owns his own law firm (“OUR”)— “small fry in law”. Gordon was extremely indignant words Anisina those and in his published response to the skater.

“Explain openly and publicly: Anisina those, I’m sorry! Complaining of ill-treatment of a spouse, to choose a defender who has repeatedly raised his hand to a woman is a logical dissonance. Well, it’s sad when from achievements in sport remains a strange Fleur hereditary showdown and chants have between your legs giving birth Anisina those. However, and she was a fool, and experiences of women before me did not look. Psychotherapists working with my law company are always ready to support former athlete and help, leaving emotions to be implemented sensibly and successfully as after sport and after the divorce!” wrote Gordon.

By the way, adds piquancy to the situation is the fact that divorce Anisina those, Morrice studied ex-husband of Katie lawyer Sergei Zhorin, and concurrently the father of four children, Gordon Daniel. The mention in the publication about the defendant raises a hand against a woman, it concerns a former lover of Katie, whom she had twice visited married. In 2011, according to Gordon, she was beaten by Garinim, but that did not stop her after three years of incident to play a wedding for the second time. However the second attempt was not a success and Gordon and Garinim got divorced again.

Now Gordon has been waiting for a second child. The truth about who the baby’s father TV presenter prefers not to extend.