Ольга Солнце стала мамой Ex-participant reality show “House-2” has shared his joy with his fans. Olga of Nikolaev, better known as the Sun, now I have a godmother to the son of Anastasia Dashko. The mystery was in one of the churches in Yekaterinburg.

      One of the first participants of the reality show “Dom-2” Olga Nikolaev, better known under the pseudonym of the Sun, was godmother. She looked truly happy, holding a lovely baby. As it turned out, to take responsibility spiritual mentor asked her close friend on the TV show Anastasia Dashko.

      Anastasia Dashko for the first time became a mother

      “The Ordinance passed yesterday in Ekaterinburg, – has told “StarHit” Olga. – I just recently came back. Her son Kevin, who is now only four months, very bravely endured the entire ceremony. The kid was brave at the baptism and not capricious”.

      Olga said that she already has two of his godson, and she gladly agreed to become a spiritual mother to the son of his girlfriend. Specially for this it has arrived to Ekaterinburg. Fans rushed to congratulate Olga with such a joyous event.

      “It’s so nice to see your friendship through the years and distance!”, “Honey, would you please tell her a huge Hello! And wishes for health and happiness! Still sometimes when nothing to do, watch the releases with your participation”, “Girls good, I have 2004 too, along with you, be healthy and happy. Take care of yourself,” wrote fans of the reality star.

      Olga told that I’m very happy for my friend. She is happy that she found love, started a family, where now reigns the harmony and peace of mind. The girl married the elect Konstantin Kuleshov in September last year. Beautiful wedding lovers played in Chelyabinsk.

      Olga herself is not yet found happiness in his personal life. She told me “StarHit” that she is now involved in other interesting activities, so she once had an affair. Olga Sun: “I don’t Have time to get married”

      “I have a lot of free time. I work, usually two out of seven days. Basically, for two hours a day. I’ll choose my own schedule. I visited 27 countries. The last time I was in Bali, I liked the atmosphere there. Would love to come back there and live for a while. For a long time to go without the services of tour operators. Choose my own route, find accommodation. Typically, they choose to stay with friends, very spontaneous. “Let’s go” – so often the journey starts. Family rarely travel,” admitted Olga.