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Tom Hanks is a real sweetheart. Otherwise name the actor who was so sensitive to his fans simply impossible. Not so long ago we talked about the fact that Hanks was a random guest at the wedding during her jog in the Park, then the star of “Miracle on the Hudson” gave his admirer a typewriter, but now a new bout of kindness.

Tom took a selfie with a selfie with your fans to help her win the argument.

A resident of Toronto, Zena Gopal sent his idol a letter with a photo and told that she made a bet with friends on whether she will be able to achieve a selfie with the actor.

Approximately three weeks later, Xena came the answer: in the envelope was the same picture, which was requested by the canadian. Tom Hanks also wrote the fan letter in which he apologized for the unshaven and explained that the beard he needed to shoot a new movie. In addition, the actor praised Toronto, calling it “a damn good city.”

Xena, of course, was amazed by the openness and responsiveness Hanks. Gopal admitted that Tom’s action had raised her mood for a few days, moreover raised the credibility in the eyes of her friends. Of course! Selfie by Tom Hanks, and even this unusual. Zaviduet