Кира Найтли вернется в «Пираты Карибского моря»

The famous actress has agreed to play Elizabeth Swann. It had previously refused to participate in further filming, but changed her mind.

The last time the beautiful Elizabeth Swann saw in the third part. I remember her beloved pirate will Turner became captain of the Flying Dutchman, and she was waiting for him 10 years on land.

Loyal fans pictures did not find a place because you never know how the fate of these two. Because keira Knightley flatly refused to continue to play in adventure stories.

Photo: kinopoisk

In the fourth part of the film, the audience saw neither the Elizabeth nor the will, but in the fifth part of “pirates of the Caribbean: dead men tell no tales” one of these heroes will appear. According to rumors, miss Swann can zip in the last seconds of the film.

The actress was spotted in a London Studio, where she played a new scene. Short role Knightley will be an important moment for the development of the storyline, the sixth part of a serious part of the heroine, miss Swann in the later series. Fans are already hoping that the reunion of the actors becomes a reality, but we’ll only know next year during the premiere.

Earlier, the actress stated that in the “Pirates of the Caribbean” more to do not be, because her character ceased to be interesting to her. In addition, she received some other suggestions on the no less interesting projects that Knightley was not averse to participate.