Арнольд Шварценеггер сломал ногу из-за неудачного педикюра

69-year-old actor and former Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger was forced to endure for the health of fans.

The day before, the man was a guest of two popular programs — Live with Kelly and shows Jimmy Fallon The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon.

In both cases, the Studio Schwarzenegger appeared with a cast on his right leg, but while smiling widely.

Of course, presenters and the live audience immediately asked what happened to a limb of an actor. “Just a little accident during a pedicure,” joked Arnold. Laughing, the performer of the role of the Terminator still said that high physical activity in old age given it is not as easy as before. it is, in fact, reflected on his leg: “that’s what happens when too much skiing, much too squat, too often, too long run or ride my bike”.

For a few weeks for the advice of a doctor, leg Arnold was in a plastic cast. Predictions for recovery is optimistic.