Новый «Холостяк»: все романы Ильи Глинникова Wears on his hands, spends all his money on gifts and insanely jealous. “StarHit” find out what it’s like to meet with llya Glinnikov. In the new season of “the Bachelor” girls will fight for the heart of a popular actor.

      Новый «Холостяк»: все романы Ильи Глинникова

      For the heart of the performer as an Intern Romanenko will compete 25 beauties – in March “the Bachelor 5” on TNT. “StarHit” to find out who has already managed to win the heart of actor Elijah Glinnikov.

      First love

      In his hometown of Novomoskovsk of the Tula region girls crowds run over by Hlinikove. But his heart was occupied with Julia.

      Новый «Холостяк»: все романы Ильи Глинникова

      “Elijah was in the ninth, and I’m in seventh grade, says Julia Gotsman with “StarHit”. – During recess I was handed an anonymous note: “I like You”. During the next break another – there is a painted flower. After a couple of days, Elijah came to meet. He was waiting for me after class, wearing a backpack, helping with homework, it was like – will do a longer walk. Once Ilya gave me earrings for no reason. Save on lunch and bought it, of course, it was jewelry – rings with pendants like a fringe. When I went to the disco, be sure to wore them. Illya touched, if, for example, on March 8 I someone gave a chocolate bar, he’s immediately brought two. We thought, this is serious. But after a year I moved to the Lyceum, and he is in College, and relations themselves is over.”

      Fire and water

      In Moscow, where the actor moved in 2005 to study at drama school, nothing has changed – Glinnikov popular with girls. But if you met the one, the other ceased to exist for him. In 2009, in the Institute’s dining room, he met Leila. In the first months the couple were inseparable, she came with him to the shooting of the film “the Fog”.

      Новый «Холостяк»: все романы Ильи Глинникова“Colleagues were jealous of Ilyukha, says “StarHit” Vasily Raksha, the leading Disney channel. – Filmed mostly in the woods. Leila always brought him a thermos of tea, sandwiches or pastries. And I was negging him: “you Have no girlfriend, and his wife live!” She stayed till night. Stood and admired. Elijah brought her out of the van a warm blanket and hid… During breaks they went for a walk in the woods. Once they were gone we panicked. It turned out, the guys decided to swim in the pond. In water Layla stepped on a nail, and Ilya on the one hand carrying it back, and then rendered first aid.”

      Office romance

      In 2010 he released the first season of the TV series “Interns”. Scenario Varya Chernous, played by Kristina Asmus, and Gleb Romanenko, hero Glinnikov, Roman. Fans wondered whether they connected the boys relationship in reality.

      Новый «Холостяк»: все романы Ильи Глинникова“Once during a break, the actors dispersed who where. And now the “intermission” was over, all returned, but they are not, – shares with “StarHit” Victoria Andreeva, technical worker at the site. – Went to look for them. I went into one of the rooms, and they lie on the couch and kiss. I immediately closed the door. Ilya caught up with me and asked me not to tell anyone. A little later the crew began to notice how he is hair Christina corrected, the shoulders will be massaged. They are often together in the morning came”.

      All ages

      In 2013 in the same sitcom a new character – a 19-year-old daughter of actress Xenia Rappoport Aglaya, she also played an Intern. Soon the lovers came together in the light. Their relationship was difficult.

      “The main cause of their quarrels was the difference in age, almost eleven years – I am sure each actor Ivan Pavlov. – Ilya got bored of the party, wanted privacy with your beloved. She, on the contrary, what was needed was a noisy company. Aglaia was a frequenter of bars. Every time Ilya came to a boiling point, it become a reason for quarrels. So, on one of the anniversaries, he made a romantic dinner, early walked off the set. But Aglaya forgot what was day and went to have fun with friends. When he returned, Illya threw everything in a bucket and spoiled mood went to bed. Besides, he is very impulsive guy and was jealous of Aglaia for each post. Relations pair lasted three years and in may of 2016 is gone”.