Маму Александра Барыкина жестоко обманула сиделка The woman who cared for the 88-year-old Alexandra Georgievna, ugly she got. The nurse carried in her apartment of his relatives, who abused the old woman. Now she was able to get rid of former assistant and her family, but they threatened her.

      Маму Александра Барыкина жестоко обманула сиделка

      After the death of the son of 88-year-old Alexander G. was left alone. The only source for women were nurse Mary. “I have bad legs, – shares with “StarHit” the mother Barykina. – Here I found Sasha, a nurse. While he was alive, he behaved like silk. The potatoes will help cut, medicine drip… When son died, she said, “Can me move husband?” I agreed, because the man of the house is necessary. And the second son of Bob doesn’t help me… Then Mary found a job, and I remained with her husband together. Sometimes, I ask: “Get me a glass of water.”, and in response – three-story Mat. Complained Mache, and she thought I was crazy.”

      The suffering of Alexandra Georgievna has not ended. Soon, the nurse moved to the apartment of the old woman of two children.

      “The girl is still okay, and the boy climbed on my cabinets, doors slamming, – continues Nana. – So often raised the pressure and ran drugs… the Family of Masha ate me. Boil the evening soup, and for dinner all that was left was an empty pot”.

      Uninvited neighbors Barykin endured four years. “Every month I unfasten them for 30 thousand rubles, – says the woman. – Masha was maliciously: “the Best grooming you will not find!” The benefit of this summer the whole family Mary flew off to rest. Immediately close the locks and not let them back. Only heard the shouts outside the door: “We’ll get you!”… Now I’m helping a friend: brings food, looking for a new nurse. But I am afraid of them all…”

      By the way, not so long ago, the woman admitted that her grandchildren haven’t been paying attention. A woman spends time alone and can not even imagine, how her heirs. Alexander G. regrets that old age is left behind. The mother of the musician has declared, that does not need so much financial support, how much care and love.